Calling All Authors and Aspiring Wordsmiths!

This FREE Cheat Sheet Is Your Ticket to Marketing Success!

Hey There, Future Bestselling Authors:

Got a masterpiece brewing in your mind, but you’re unsure how to get the world to fall in love with it? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Introducing “Book Marketing Essentials: The Four Assets You NEED to Start Marketing Your Book Even When You Have Little Time and Cash” – a powerful report that reveals the key to skyrocketing your book’s success in about two weeks!

No-Nonsense, Actionable Advice, Real Results

Ready to Dive In? Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Ready, Set, Go! Learn which pages to kickstart your book promotion NOW! No more waiting around, start spreading the word ASAP!
  • Love Letters to Your Readers! Grow your email list with devoted fans who can’t wait to get their hands on your latest work!
  • Social Butterfly in the Making! Discover the magic of the RIGHT social media platforms – fewer than you think, we promise!

Forget the Fluff – This 3-page PDF packs a punch with practical, actionable tips that’ll take your book marketing efforts from meh to marvelous. Implement these proven strategies and watch your book soar.

Grab Your FREE Copy NOW and Unlock the Door to Book Marketing Success!

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Hop aboard and join the ride to author stardom.

Enter your name and best email address in the form below to get your FREE copy now!

Book Marketing Essentials Cover
Carma has an almost uncanny ability to pick up on what’s important and needs focus in a business. …as a coach, there is no unfamiliar terrain for Carma … She does it all with the same level of grace and clarity. I would send any entrepreneur that needs to get re-inspired and laser-focused on their dream to Carma.
Rev. Rochelle Walden

Spirit in Business coach

You’ve really got to get Carma’s brain on your brand. No wonder she’s in the book writing and publishing space, she’s a wordsmith extraordinaire but also, for your brand!


Chief Incredible Introvert & The Rebel Introvert, Incredible Introverts

If you want top prospects calling you (and not the way around), if you want your customers to do the marketing for you, if you want a business that allows you to be you (instead of a knackered, lame duck on the web), you gotta work with Carma.

Shariah Ihsan, MS

unconventional clinical RD, AIPCC, neuroscience & subconscious recoding geek, Transformation Strategist at Diamonds & Defiance.

Meet Carma Spence

Carma SpenceCarma Spence is a bestselling author, award-winning speaker, and authorship mentor with five books under her belt and more than 25 years of marketing and public relations experience.

After more than 10 years writing, publishing, and marketing her own books, she has recently begun helping entrepreneurs, small business owners, and mid-level executives write, publish and market their non-fiction books based on the knowledge between their ears even if they’ve never written before and are crazy busy.

In this cheat sheet, Carma shares what she wished she knew when she published her first book. If you are just starting out or simply need to market your book on a limited (or nonexistent) budget, this essential report will help you focus on the assets you need, rather than wasting your time with all the “nice to have” book marketing options available to you.

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